
Gaussian 98 software
Gaussian 98 software

Note: If any of the utilities gives you a segmentation fault at execution, please The following table gives an overview of all commands available in the Gaussian package. Loading the module will initialize environment variables needed for the operation of Gaussian as well as make suitable changes to your PATHvariable so as to find the Gaussian commands. (the module is in the applications class). You can also load a specific version a list of available versions is provided by the command module apropos gaussian Will provide you with the default version of Gaussian presently available. The modules package should be used to provide you with suitable environment settings for Gaussian. Quite generally a number of releases of Gaussian may be available on any computing platform at any time. How to operate the LRZ installations of Gaussian

gaussian 98 software

Please contact LRZ HPC support to obtain such an entry, providing the account name.

  • Gaussian software installed on LRZ HPC systems may only be used on these systems, and only after a user has obtained a group entry for the UNIX group "gaussian".
  • All scientific articles based on the usage of Gaussian must contain suitable citations.
  • gaussian 98 software

    Gaussian may only be used for academic and teaching purposes the license condition preclude using the software if you are directly or indirectly engaging in competition with GAUSSIAN.Gaussian 03 Users Reference Archive (outdated, since unsupported on LRZ's HPC systems).Please see the following links for more information:

    Gaussian 98 software