
Happy monster band
Happy monster band

happy monster band

  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Sandwich: In "Yin and Yang", the band settles down in a restaurant to eat dim sum, but then they suddenly leave the food behind to look for a dragon.
  • After the song is over, three judges give their opinions on the band's performance. Roc and Raoul then introduce the band, after which the band sings their song. Whatever is happening backstage predicts what the song the band sings in that episode will be about.
  • Strictly Formula: Every Season 1 episode goes as follows: Roc and Raoul introduce themselves to the audience, then they go backstage to see what the band is up to.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Ink is the only female in the band.
  • In "London Town", the band is seen walking Abbey Road, a reference to The Beatles.
  • The famous painting, The Mona Lisa, is seen in "A Wonderful Time in France".
  • Averted in the British English dub, where the characters' singing voices are changed and sound a lot more like their speaking voices.
  • Singing Voice Dissonance: Thanks to the band's singing voices being provided by Tally Hall, the monsters' voices sound noticeably deeper and more adultlike when they are singing, which sound nothing like their age.
  • happy monster band happy monster band

    Same Language Dub: There are American English and British English dubs of the show.Downplayed in that they don't speak in rhyme backstage, only when they introduce the Happy Monster Band's performances. Roc and Raoul's names are an obvious pun on "rock and roll".All of the band members have names that reflect what color they are (Frred = red, L.O.Nice Mean And In Between: The judges, Di (nice), Da (mean), and La (in-between).New Season, New Title: The second season is called Happy Monster Band: World Tour.It's Okay to Cry: This is the lesson of the episode "Even Monsters Cry Sometimes", where Frred tries not to cry when he learns his father can't make it to the concert before the other bandmates tell him it's okay for him to cry.The other monsters notice he's trying to hold it in, and they tell him that it's okay to cry. He holds in his tears due to his father getting a flat tyre, and being unable to attend the concert. Heroic BSoD: Happens to Frred in "Even Monsters Cry Sometimes".Exactly What It Says on the Tin: They are monsters, they are happy, and they are in a band.Edutainment Show: Of the "pro-social values" type."Double, Double" Title: There's an episode of the second season called "Siesta, Siesta".

    Happy monster band