Link to pdf manual LiabilityĪXA PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Policy #1279892 $5,000,000 Comprehensive General Liability $5,000,000 Auto Liability W.C.B. Policies including Corporate Social Responsibilities and Environmental Practices.Incident and accident reporting and investigation.New employee training and ongoing training.The company HS&E policy and individual responsibilities.The company HS&E policy and individual responsibilities Wellsite Geologists’ HS&E program includes: Management, employees, and consultants are all responsible and accountable for following the program and sign a commitment to do so. is assumed that the wellsite candidate is - first of all - a geologist and knows, owns and is capable of using the basic tool kit of geological reference books, log charts and computer utilities, as far as they are of relevance for the work. To achieve this goal, we have earned our COR designation and have implemented a program that guides all of our activities. THE WELLSITE GUIDEis not a sample description manual or geological data handbook. The goal of our Health and Safety Program is to have an accident free environment, protection from accidental loss, and a minimal impact on the environment. With wellsite site geology manual, the geologists follow work instructions and guidelines to properly evaluate the rock samples/cuttings and carry out. The foundation of Wellsite Geologists is our workforce and so safety is at the forefront of everything we do. 1 In an ideal borehole and mud system, cuttings would be transported to surface with the same order and composition as they were cut, as in Figure 1-1.Wellsite Geologists is committed to the health and safety of all employees, contractors, clients, and the public and to environmental protection. This book will be of interest to and become a regular reference for all geologists. Whether a geologist's work lies in this direction or in the more applied field of pressure evaluation, it is the application of geological insight to engineering problems that distinguishes the professional logging geologist in the field. This will ensure the maximum development of communicable geological informa tion. This handbook is intended to provide the Logging Geologist, and those training for a Consultant Wellsite Geologist position, with a review of geological techniques and classification systems. In the Field Geologists's Training Guide (Exlog, 1985) and Mud Logging: Principles and Interpretations (Exlog, 1985), an introduction is given to the scope of petroleum geology, and the techniques of hydrocarbon (oil and gas) logging as a reservoir evaluation tool. For this reason, it is necessary that geologists appreciate some of the technology, theory of measurement, and processing of this data in order to better assess and use them. It is the function of Well site Geologists to integrate processed data produced prior to and dur ing the drilling operation With their own geological observations. Petroleum Geology is a complex discipline, drawing upon data from many technologies.